Extensive research and decades of experience with Consciousness Based Education® have demonstrated that this approach, which adds study and research in consciousness to the existing curriculum in any country, eliminates the weaknesses of current education. Research verifies that students at Consciousness Based schools and colleges improve significantly in mental capacity, academic achievement, health, and social behaviour, compared to students in other institutions. At the elementary and secondary levels, year after year classes of students at Consciousness-Based schools, who enter at an average level of performance, score among the highest in their nations and national standardised examinations by the time they graduate. They also distinguish themselves by winning top state and national prizes in an unusually wide range of subject, including science, mathematics, speech, history, poetry, drama, art, music, and sports.
These scientific findings and educational outcomes give an additional support to the research outlined in this document indicating that Consciousness Based Education® develops greater use of the brain’s potential.
Experience and research also show that when any university or school adds to its curriculum a Consciousness Based course for all the students, the same desirable changes in academic performance and behaviour take place. Students grow in enthusiasm for knowledge, in alertness and creativity, and in exemplary citizenship the ability to achieve their goals while promoting the interests of others. Increasingly they enjoy the ‘fruit of all knowledge’ a problem free, happy, healthy life, spontaneously in harmony with Natural Law.
Furthermore, when large groups of students together practice the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Siddhi Programme®, including Yogic Flying®, an influence of coherence and harmony is generated in the whole society in the city, state, or nation as a whole, depending upon the size of the group. This effect is documented by nearly 50 studies showing reduced negative trends and improved quality of life in society. This influence of coherence in society, known as the Maharishi Effect®, is the expression of increased brain wave coherence during the practice of Yogic Flying®. In this way, the growth of harmony in society is fundamentally connected with development of full brain potential.