During Maharishi National Cultural Celebration 2023 at Maharishi Manglam Bhavan Ratanpur
Bhopal, Maharishi Best Principal Award in the category of Senior Secondary and Secondary Schools for their
outstanding contributions in the field of education and development of schools were also announced. The
following Principals of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools are recipients of Maharishi Best Principal
Award 2023. They were given trophies, certificates and cash awards:
Senior Secondary Schools
First Prize- Principal MVM Hyderabad-Cash Award: Rs. 7,51,000/-
Second Prize- Principal MVM-IV Guwahati-Cash Award: Rs. 5,51,000/-
Third Prize- Principal MCEE Chennai -Cash Award: Rs. 3,51,000/-
Consolation Prize- Principal MVM Fatehpur -Cash Award: Rs. 2,51,000/-
Secondary Schools
First Prize- Principal MVM Thanjavur -Cash Award: Rs. 5,51,000/-
Second Prize- Principal MVM, NOIDA -Cash Award: Rs. 3,51,000/-
Third Prize- Principal MVM-III, Guwahati -Cash Award: Rs. 1,51,000/-
Consolation Prize- Principal MVM, Nayagarh -Cash Award: Rs. 1,01,000/-
Maharishi Kids Home
First Prize- Principal MKH Borsajai Guwahati -Cash Award: Rs. 51,000/-
Principals Award Gallery