· Maharishi introduces the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme Including Yogic Flying to accelerate the evolution of the individual to enlightenment and to purify world consciousness. (By the year 2008, more than 500,000 people around the world have learnt Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.)
· Maharishi creates four annual seasonal Festivals of the Age of Enlightenment to set each season in the tempo of success for noble aspirations and higher achievements.
1977 Maharishi’s Year of Ideal Society: Maharishi inaugurates his Ideal Society Campaign by sending Yogic Flyers to 108 countries. Wherever they go the police take the credit for lowering the crime rate. With this global success, Maharishi formulates his Absolute Theories of Government, Education, Health, Defence, Economy, Management, and Law and Order to raise every area of life to perfection.
1978 Maharishi’s Year of Invincibility to Every Nation: Scientists discover the Extended Maharishi Effect, whereby just the square root of one per cent of the population practicing Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme Including Yogic Flying is sufficient to create coherence in collective consciousness. Maharishi validates this formula by sending groups of Yogic Flyers to the most troubled spots on earth. Scientific research records success.
1979 Maharishi’s Year of All Possibilities: Maharishi proclaims ‘all possibilities for mankind’ through his science of consciousness and designs the Global Super Radiance programme, in order to maximize the influence of Sattwa (coherence) in the family of nations.
· The first World Peace Assembly with several thousand in attendance convenes in Amherst, USA, to create coherence in world consciousness.
1980 Maharishi’s Year of Pure Knowledge, the Veda: Maharishi brings to light his timeless commentary of Rig Veda, the Apaurusheya Bhashya, and introduces the principles of Ayur-Veda— the Science of Life—as the total knowledge of perfect health in the direction of immortality.
· Maharishi conducts the First International Vedic Science Course in New Delhi, India, and through the quiet performance of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme by 3,000 students of his Vedic Science, calms down the growing violent tendencies in India, demonstrating the rise of Sattwa (coherence).
1981 Maharishi’s Year of Vedic Science: Maharishi organizes the centuries-old scattered Vedic Literature as a complete literature of a perfect science—Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technology— the Science and Technology of Consciousness.
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